The Harvard PRECISION Pain Center aims to improve treatments for chronic pain and headache. To do this, we are characterizing the cell types, cell states, and the microenvironment that influence pain signaling in both healthy and pathological conditions.
To accomplish this mission and the key objectives of the NIH HEAL Initiative’s Program to Reveal and Evaluate Cells-to-gene Information that Specify Intricacies, Origins, and the Nature of Human Pain (PRECISION Human Pain) Network, the Center is comprised of two Projects and four Cores aimed at procuring high-quality human tissues involved in chronic pain states and generating, analyzing, and distributing datasets that describe their cell types, molecular features, and function at single-cell resolution. The Center’s work will yield valuable data for both scientific and drug development communities.
The Center is located at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Boston Children’s Hospital.
For more information about our work or opportunities to join the team, please contact us at healpain@bwh.harvard.edu.